Mila Chervenkova
SEO & Affiliate Marketer
The Slowpreneur
About Mila Chervenkova
Mila (a.k.a. The Slowpreneur) is a Slowpreneur, SEO & Affiliate Marketer. She’s operating as a Solopreneur, building a sustainable media company—solo, slow & smooth. She’s also a Blogger/Content Writer, publishing tutorials, case studies, and other written guides and resources for her audience on site growth, slow entrepreneurship, and organic search.
She exited traditional employment in 2016, and never went back!
Mila has spent over 12 years in total building and growing websites, SaaS companies, and business relationships and has had some remarkable achievements as a Freelancer and an Entrepreneur, including:
- building online assets and websites, bringing her tens of thousands of $ each month
- co-founded an epic SaaS product
- consulted many great Bulgarian SaaS/content websites