Mini-conference Sponsorship Slot

2799,00 лв.

Support our community’s mini-conferences and gain valuable exposure by sponsoring Women in Marketing – Bulgaria. Benefit from extensive promotional opportunities, including mentions in our newsletter, emails, Slack, and social media, as well as a permanent website placement with backlinks. Secure your sponsorship today and make a significant impact on our community!

SKU: mini-conference-sponsorship-slot


What this fee covers

  • Reduced fees for tickets for our members: We aim to provide the lowest cost possible for our community members to attend the event. This isn’t possible without sponsor support.
  • Speaker Packages: Cover thank you gifts, speaker packages, and any associated travel/accommodation payments for speakers at each mini-conference
  • Photographer/ Videographer/ Editor
  • Additional Costs: Any expenses related to renting equipment, marketing materials, attendees thank you gifts, financial costs for fee and ticket processing, or venue costs.

Support our community mini-conferences and gain valuable exposure by sponsoring Women in Marketing – Bulgaria. Benefit from extensive promotional opportunities, including mentions in our newsletter, emails, Slack, and social media, as well as permanent website placement with backlinks.

What You Get

  • Mentions in our newsletter, emails, Slack, and social media.
  • Permanent website placement with backlinks.
  • A presentation slot at the mini-conference (video ad required).
  • Booth access (female representatives required).
  • Exclusive networking with mini-conference speakers and attendees.
  • Branded marketing materials at the mini-conference venue.
  • Featured section in an email campaign sent to all mini-conference attendees.
  • Detailed post-event performance report and attendee feedback.
  • Digital ad space on our website or newsletters for a specified period post-event.
  • Appreciation post from our Founder – Lazarina Stoy’s LinkedIn (6.5K+ followers) and Twitter/X (5.3K+ followers) accounts.

Additional customisations to the sponsorship tier we can consider:

  • Custom Branded Merchandise: Offer branded items such as tote bags, notebooks, or pens to attendees, featuring both your logo and the event branding.
  • Sponsored Sessions: Allow sponsors to host a breakout session or workshop relevant to the conference theme.
  • Webinar Collaboration: Host a webinar with Women in Marketing – Bulgaria post-conference, promoted through all channels.
  • VIP Dinner: Invitation to a private dinner with event speakers and key industry leaders the night before the event.
  • Post-Event Meetups: Host or participate in follow-up meetups or roundtables with selected attendees.
  • Complimentary Tickets: Additional complimentary tickets for your team or clients to attend the event.

Why Sponsor Us

Sponsoring the Women in Marketing – Bulgaria Mini-Conferences offers your business a strategic advantage and direct access to a dynamic community of marketing professionals. Here’s why you should partner with us:

  • Improve Brand Visibility: Enjoy prominent exposure across our newsletters, social media platforms, email campaigns, and our website, ensuring your brand reaches a wide audience.
  • Targeted Audience Access: Directly engage with marketing professionals and industry leaders who are keen on innovative ideas, tools, and partnerships.
  • Support Diversity and Inclusion: Showcase your commitment to empowering women in the marketing industry by supporting a community dedicated to their growth and success.
  • Exclusive Networking Opportunities: Gain access to private networking sessions with mini-conference speakers, attendees, and influential community leaders.
  • Insightful Feedback: Receive detailed post-event reports with valuable insights on attendee engagement and event effectiveness to measure your sponsorship impact.
  • Extended Promotional Benefits: Benefit from ongoing promotional opportunities, including digital and physical ad space in webpages, lecture recordings, and permanent backlinks, extending your visibility beyond the event.

About Our Mini-Conferences

Our mini-conferences consist of five tightly-packed, theme-based talks followed by a networking session with drinks and catering. Imagine a full conference experience or a training day condensed into a single hour, with an invaluable opportunity to network. We select comfortable and engaging venues that facilitate both informative sessions and enjoyable networking opportunities.

Align your brand with a cause that matters and connect with the future leaders of the marketing industry. Sponsor Women in Marketing – Bulgaria’s Mini-Conferences and make a meaningful impact today. ✨

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