Vasilena Vasileva




Marketing expert, MentorMate

areas of expertise:

Marketing Analytics, Performance marketing / Paid, Social Media Marketing


Sofia, Bulgaria


Vasilena is a marketing specialist with 5+ years of experience in the industry.

She started her career with Social Media Marketing, then moved to Digital B2B Marketing, which actually excites her the most. In the last year, Vasilena expanded her expertise, joining one of the leading IT companies in Bulgaria – MentorMate, where she works on various Employer Branding initiatives.

Her passion is also events marketing, as well as community building, which manifests itself outside the corporate environment, as an active member of various organizations.

I started my career in marketing driven by curiosity and interest in the field. From a young age, I was drawn to advertisements and marketing campaigns that told stories and created emotions.

The amount of time I spent in an advertising agency exposed me to so many of the challenges and opportunities of the profession. I was excited by each new task and the team work instilled in me. The first big campaign I participated in was an unforgettable experience that reinforced my belief that I was on the right path.

Over time, I became increasingly interested in data and analytics, realizing their key role in creating successful marketing strategies. I got involved in various analytics projects, which allowed me to combine my creativity with data-driven solutions leading to more effective campaigns.

So, to this day, I continue my journey and enjoy it!

Collaborating with colleagues who share my passion for marketing is extremely important to me and is a strong source of inspiration and motivation. When I’m around people who share my values ​​and goals, I’m ready to take on challenges and work hard to achieve common goals.

For women starting a career in marketing in Bulgaria, here are some tips:

  • Education and self-study are key. The marketing industry is dynamic, so invest time in learning and keeping up with the latest trends.
  • You will undoubtedly face setbacks along the way. Don’t give up easily – instead see them as opportunities to learn and grow.
  • Create a network of professional contacts. Communicate with colleagues, participate in events that give you the opportunity to meet people from the field of marketing.
  • Seek out industry mentors. It is important to have someone to consult and learn from.
  • Don’t forget to maintain a work-life balance. Take care of yourself and make time for your hobbies and interests outside of the workplace.

In my work, I use many marketing resources and tools that help me plan, execute and analyze my campaigns effectively. Here are some of the most important:

  • Google Analytics: This is an indispensable tool for tracking and analysing web traffic. It provides me with detailed data about user behavior, which helps me optimize marketing strategies and improve the user experience.
  • SEMrush: SEMrush is important for SEO and competitive analysis. With it, I can track keywords, my site’s search engine positions, and competitor strategies, which helps me optimize content and increase brand visibility.
  • Canva: I use Canva to create visual content. It’s an easy-to-use design tool that allows me to create eye-catching graphics, banners, and other visuals without the need for professional design skills.

The most challenging aspect of my career so far has been transitioning from startups to corporate. Working in startups provided me with a dynamic and innovative environment where I had the opportunity to wear multiple “hats” and be involved in different aspects of the business. In this context, I was used to quick decision-making and immediate implementation of ideas.

When I joined MentorMate, I had to adapt to the structure and procedures of a large corporation. This involved working in larger teams, following established processes and coordinating between different departments. This transition required me to develop new skills and approach my work with more strategic thinking and planning.

To overcome these challenges, I focused on several key areas:

  • Project Management: I learned to take a more structured approach to project management, including the use of various project methodologies and tools to track progress and performance.
  • Time management and prioritization: In a large corporation, there are often multiple tasks and projects that must be completed simultaneously. I learned to prioritize my tasks by importance and manage my time more effectively.
  • Balance and self-discipline: I realized the importance of maintaining a work-life balance, which helped me stay motivated and productive.

These approaches helped me not only to overcome the challenges of the transition, but also to develop and improve professionally in the new environment.

By sharing knowledge, experience and networks, I would like to help other women achieve their professional goals and grow in their careers.

I decided to become part of Women in Marketing – Bulgaria because I believe in the power of communities for support, inspiration and learning. As a woman in marketing, I understand the importance of creating a platform where women can share their ideas, challenges and successes.

By sharing knowledge, experience and networks, I would like to help other women achieve their professional goals and grow in their careers. I believe that by joining forces and experience, we can create a better and more inspiring community for all women in marketing in Bulgaria.

For me, the most exciting trends right now are the use of artificial intelligence and the automation of processes that are becoming more and more widespread in the marketing industry. They have huge potential for campaign optimization and data analysis. At the same time, I see an increased interest in ethical marketing and corporate responsibility, with consumers increasingly paying attention to the ethical practices and social commitments of companies. These trends present challenges but also opportunities for innovation and growth in the marketing industry.

I see myself as a leader who inspires and guides teams to achieve meaningful results and sustainable growth by creating a supportive and motivating work environment where each team member can reach their potential. I believe the key to successful leadership is being able to listen, understand and encourage the individual talents and ideas of everyone on your team.

Pastry is one of my great passions. I love experimenting with new recipes and creating unique desserts. The process of making sweets gives me the opportunity to express my creativity and create something beautiful and delicious that can make others happy.

Additionally, strength training is another important part of my daily regimen. Not only do they keep me in good physical shape, but they also help clear my mind and energize me. Through regular training, I manage to maintain a balance between my mental and physical well-being.

My other passion is visiting different restaurants and writing reviews about them. I love discovering new culinary experiences and sharing my impressions with others. This hobby allows me to combine my love of food with writing and gives me another way to be creative.

It was an absolute pleasure getting to know Vasilena better. We are also super happy that she has agreed to become a supporting figure in the community by helping us grow as a Community Catalyst!

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