Community Partnership Slot (6-month duration)

3799,00 лв.

Partner with our community and gain valuable exposure by sponsoring Women in Marketing – Bulgaria. Benefit from extensive promotional opportunities, including sponsor access  to all our events, extended social media and community promotion and more. Secure your partnership slot today and make a significant impact on our community!

SKU: community-partnership-HY


What this fee covers

  • Sponsoring community activities, including but not limited to research, mentorship programs, casual networking events, and webinars
  • Paying service providers
  • Improving the quality of the community we are building for our members
  • Promotional activities for the purpose of the community with the aim of attracting new members
  • Compensating speakers and writers

What You Get

  • Visibility: Your company name, logo, and website link featured on our partners page.
  • Social Media Exposure: Monthly social media posts sharing selected resources from your organization, along with reshares of relevant resources to our community on Slack.
  • Newsletter Mentions: Regular mentions in our newsletter’s “thank you to our partners” section.
  • Collaborative Initiatives: Collaboration on various initiatives and research, with your logo featured on marketing materials and key website pages.
  • Event Promotion: Placement in promotional banners for all events during the partnership period.
  • Event Access: Access to some community events for a select number of company’s representatives.
  • Merchandise Distribution: Opportunity to distribute your company’s merchandise at all events to community members during the partnership period.
  • Insightful Data: Insights from community surveys or research, highlighting trends and data relevant to your industry.
  • Social Media Takeover: A social media takeover post to promote your content and engage with our audience.
  • Personalized Appreciation: An appreciation post from Lazarina Stoy’s LinkedIn (6.5K+ followers) and Twitter/X (5.3K+ followers) accounts.

Additional customisations to the partnership agreement we can consider:

  • Sponsored Sessions: Allow sponsors to host a breakout session or workshop relevant to the events we have organised during the partnership period.
  • Content Collaborations: Host a webinar, or collaborate on a written resource with Women in Marketing – Bulgaria
  • VIP Dinner: Invitation to a private dinner with event speakers and key industry leaders the night before the event.
  • Post-Event Meetups: Host or participate in follow-up meetups or roundtables with selected attendees.

Why Partner with Us

By becoming a Community Partner with Women in Marketing – Bulgaria, you not only gain valuable exposure to a diverse community of marketing professionals but also actively contribute to advancing gender equality and female empowerment in the Bulgarian marketing industry. Our events and sponsorship opportunities are crafted to enhance professional growth, foster a supportive community, and create meaningful connections among women in marketing.

Align your brand with a cause that matters and connect with the future leaders of the marketing industry. Become a community partner to Women in Marketing – Bulgaria and make a meaningful impact today. ✨

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